How to Save a Family to Library Sims 4

Hi anybody!

Today I needed to transfer a few Sims out of a family. It'due south not that difficult to practice but at that place is a lot of steps to information technology and then I'thou writing a post so I don't forget what I did today! Getting old is not all that it's croaky upwardly to be!

Ane of the things I do when playing my Legacy Challange family is saving the whole family to my Library. Yous tin can practice this by going to manage household which will have you lot to the edit fashion. From there, click on the upper right save folder and salvage.

To get to your Library you tin just striking F4. All your saved sims will be in there, some random houses and sim families that EA has uploaded for you.

One of the reasons I take been saving my families is so I can go back, after I finish my legacy claiming, and play some of the children I didn't have time to. The question then becomes how exercise I get only one of the children out of the large family so I tin play them?

Hold on to your hats! information technology's a flake of a ride.

You are first going to want to commencement a new game or open up an already played one. It really doesn't matter which you choose.

While the game is running hit F4 to open your library.

One time your Library is open, click on the box that holds the family with the Sim you want to play on its own. Then click on the icon in the lower right corner to place the whole family on a lot. I can exist any lot, they will not exist there very long.


Hit the ostend icon to identify your family.

Once you have confirmed, the icons in the lower right will and then alter to look like they do in the photo below.

Yous are now going to want to click on the 3 blue dots, which will open a smaller bill of fare, then click on manage household

A box will now come up with your large family unit. Click on the ii arrows that say transfer Sims between households

Once clicked, a box like the ane below volition then pop upwards.

From this box, you tin can move a Sim to some other family y'all are already playing or want to play only in our case, we want one of the boys on his ain.

Click the button on the left peak that says create new household

With the Sim you want to transfer highlighted, click on the arrow and move him to the other side.

A warning here! If you lot at present leave that Sim on the other side, they will historic period. All by themselves. A lesson I acquire the hard way. So we have to do a few more things to get them out of the, not in this globe mode of the game.

As you can at present encounter he has been ripped from his loving family and left all on his own. You could play him at present simply like this but today I was saving him for a friend to play so I needed to be able to brand him a immature developed and share him to the gallery so @simgirl could then download him and play him when it was time.

To relieve you from some frustration, okay a LOT of frustration, I will tell y'all here that yous can at present accept that sim into edit mode but all you will be able to practise is change their dress. Sooooooo we movement on, hats still on our heads.

While all the same in manage Household mode you will now want to click on the sim you want to change and place them on whatsoever lot. Once again it doesn't matter what lot as they will not exist there long.

Once they are placed on the lot, I interruption my game. Next, you volition demand to plough on the testing cheats. Press Ctrl+Shift+C and type in the box that comes upward testingcheats on later the cheats have been enabled y'all and so type in cas.fulleditmode enter. Striking Ctrl+Shift+C to close the cheat box.

Now click on manage worlds in the upper right corner.

A box, aye, another box......... will come up upward asking if you desire to salvage your game before you go to manage worlds. Do not salve your game. As of correct at present, you have sims everywhere that you lot don't desire to play. If you do save your game at this signal you will have to go through and delete all the extra and maybe double sims you accept. It'south just not worth the headache to relieve here. Trust me on this one. LOL

Now we are back to manage worlds. Click on the sim y'all want to change and the blue pencil to become to the edit mode of the game. Almost done!

This time, with the Create a Sim crook mode turned on you tin can now go in and modify anything you want! Yaaaa! nosotros got there!! but..........there's a bit more than.

Very Of import: Before you click the check mark to play, click on the folder in the upper correct and salve your new perfect sim!

Once saved, now click on the green bank check on the lower correct corner to play

After hitting play, yous volition exist back where ever you left your sim.

Go to the upper correct and click on the 3 dots and exit your game. In one case again do not save. Our new Sim was saved to your Library when you were in the create a Sim style of the game.

With your new Sim safely in your Library feel free to become get a drink or 2 or three.

Whenever yous have time to play your new Sim, all you lot demand to do is open up your Library while in game, whether it's a new i or an existing one, and click on the folder icon to identify him on a lot.

And nosotros made it to the end!

If anything is unclear delight allow me know.

For now, Happy Gaming!!

If you intendance to read more near the Bolin Legacy and my other Sims 4 posts delight follow the links below.

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims four
Time out! ~ Sims 4
And the Earth Turns~Sims 4
Going broke and Masterpiece paintings ~Sims 4
The Engagement! and making movies in Sims iv
The things I do for friends and fun! ~ Sims 4

Thank you all for being a role of this with me!


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