It's Finally Here.... Meet My Book!

My labor of love is finally here! Art Workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci. With essays by Betsy Mckenna.

I've been waiting and waiting for my volume to arrive at my house for weeeeeks. In my mind, I pictured it's arrival with champagne and party hats and music and cake and jumping for joy and basically simply an all solar day party. Just, well…this is real life, and the package actually sat at the front door all morn, into afternoon, into evening, until I realized what it was. I'm and so stupid!

So then my center started racing and I tore it open…

Equally I reached into the cardboard mailer (with the wrong address, give thanks God for loyal mailmen!), I paused for a 2d. Is this really happening? Twenty-vi months of working and waiting, and now information technology is an actual object that I am holding?!!

My center is racing a little. What if I hate it?  Is everything spelled correctly? Did they fit in my dedication?

Checking, checking, flipping through….

OMG, I remember I love it!!!

My labor of love is finally here! Art Workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci

My labor of love is finally here! Art Workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci

Truth be told, I tried for like 100 hours concluding nighttime to make an blithe gif of me turning the pages of my book. But I could non get my Wordpress blog to have it. (Deep, frustrated sigh.) I think I demand a plug-in or something and that word scares me. And then hither are some interior photos instead!

My labor of love is finally here! Art Workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci

My labor of love is finally here! Art Workshop for Children by Barbara Rucci

And from the back cover….

"Art Workshop for Children offers a unique, kid-led curriculum of open-ended creative workshops that begin with explorations of simple supplies and build gradually, adding new materials and more complex skills. Forth the style, adults are guided on how to be adept observers who provide questions, encourage deep thinking, and help spark an excitement for discovery.

Thoughtful essays share perspectives on mess-making, building artistic conviction, the role of adults, collaborative art, and insights into the Reggio Emila approach to early childhood education, which values the child as strong, capable, and resilient."

The book is FULL of beautiful photos, insightful essays (past my good friend and Reggio educator Betsy McKenna), whole sections on setting up an art area and hanging your child's art, and just lots of inspiration. I really think y'all will love it. Out of the 27 workshops, just ii are from my weblog, so 25 new ideas!

The volume doesn't officially come out until October 15th. BUT…if you guild it at present you become information technology on sale! I mean, maybe that's worth the look…? I know, information technology'due south difficult to club something and non get it immediately. We are all so used to instant gratification. But call up of this fashion, if you wait to order until it's out, y'all'll nevertheless get it at the aforementioned time! Crazy, correct?

Here's where you tin order the book right now (Amazon is an affiliate link):

Buy information technology on Amazon

Purchase it on Barnes & Noble

Buy it on IndieBound

Purchase information technology on Indigo in Canada

For U.k. purchase click here

I'm then happy that I finally introduced you to my book. Oh, and I'm working on a short petty trailer that I hope will be done on the pub date. Stay tuned!! And Thanks for supporting me, as always!

xo, Bar


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